Stop Sending Boring Emails: How to Write Catchy Email Subject Lines

This blog provides tips on how to create compelling subject lines for email marketing campaigns. The do's and don'ts include keeping it short and sweet, using actionable language, personalisation, testing different subject lines, and avoiding spammy words and tactics. Let's explore!

Although writing a catchy email subject line can be tricky, it is an important part of your email marketing strategy. A strong subject line will help you stand out in an overcrowded inbox, while a weak one can cause your email to be overlooked or deleted. Here are some do's and don'ts for creating stellar email subject lines.

Ruby Watt
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The Do's

Keep it short and sweet

When crafting subject lines for your email campaigns, you need to remember that many email clients have character limits that will cut off longer subject lines. If your subject line is too long, your readers may not see the complete message, leading to reduced open rates and engagement.

Always aim for a subject line that's 50 characters or less. By keeping your subject line short and sweet,  it's likely to be fully visible across a majority of email clients, including mobile devices.

Be clear and specific

Don't leave your readers guessing what's inside your email. Use descriptive language to clearly communicate the main point of your email. Aim to provide a clear and concise description of what your readers can expect from your email, whether it's an offer, announcement, or newsletter.

Use actionable language

Encouraging your readers to take action in your email subject lines can be a powerful way to increase engagement and drive conversions. By using verbs like "register," "sign up," or "shop now," you can create a sense of urgency and motivate your subscribers to take the desired action.

When subscribers see action-oriented language in their inbox, they're more likely to open the email and engage with the content inside. They know that there's a clear call-to-action, and they can expect to receive something of value if they follow through.

Personalise it

Personalisation is a powerful tool in email marketing that can help increase engagement and build stronger relationships with your subscribers. One effective way to personalise your email subject lines is by using the recipient's name or location.

Including the recipient's name in the subject line can create a sense of familiarity and connection, making your email feel more relevant and personalised. It's a simple yet effective way to grab your reader's attention and entice them to open your email.

Test different subject lines

A/B testing is a technique used in email marketing to compare two different versions of an email campaign to determine which version performs better. When referring to subject lines, A/B testing can send two different subject lines to a portion of your email list and track the performance of each subject line, determining which one is more effective.

This can be a powerful tool for optimising your email campaigns and increasing engagement with your audience. By testing different subject lines, you can tailor your email to the copy and content that resonates most with your subscribers based on the results.

Use emojis

Emojis can help your subject line stand out in a crowded inbox and convey a sense of playfulness or excitement that can engage your subscribers. However, be careful not to overuse them. We suggest only using emojis sparingly and in a way that adds value to your message.

Incorporate current events

If there's a holiday, event, or news story that's relevant to your audience, consider incorporating it into your subject line. By tying your message to a specific event or holiday, you can tap into the excitement and emotions surrounding that event, making your message feel more personal and engaging.

Use numbers

Using numbers in your subject lines can be an effective way to grab your reader's attention, making your email stand out in their inbox. Numbers have a way of making content more tangible and memorable, and they can also help you convey information in a concise and clear way.

Use a question

Asking a question in your subject line is a great way to engage your readers and encourage them to open your email. Just ensure that your question is relevant, clear, and valuable to your audience. Remember that the goal is not just to have your audience open your email, but also to keep them engaged and interested in your content.

Use power words

Using words like "secret," "exclusive," or "limited" in your subject lines can create a sense of urgency and exclusivity. This can make your readers feel like they're getting something valuable and unique. Keep in mind it's essential to use these words appropriately and not overuse them as you may risk losing the impact you are trying to create. 

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The DON'Ts

Use spammy words

To increase the chances of your email reaching your subscriber’s inboxes, avoid using words that are likely to trigger spam filters. Instead, focus on creating subject lines that are relevant, intriguing, and accurately represent the content of your email. This will improve the deliverability of your emails while also increasing the likelihood of your subscribers opening and engaging with your content.

Use all caps or excessive exclamation points

There are certain tactics that email marketers may use that can come across as spammy and ultimately turn off their readers. Examples of this are using excessive capitalisation, multiple exclamation marks, or misleading subject lines. Doing this can give off the impression that the email is spam or clickbait. This can cause readers to quickly lose interest and unsubscribe from future emails.

Another tactic that can be perceived as spammy is overusing promotional language or making unrealistic claims. While it's natural for businesses to want to promote their products or services, language that is overly aggressive or exaggerated can make readers feel like they are being sold to rather than provided with valuable information. This can damage the trust that readers have in your brand and make them less likely to engage with future emails.

Leave the subject line blank

Leaving the subject line blank is a common mistake that many businesses make, but it can be a surefire way to get your email marked as spam. When a recipient receives an email without a subject line, it immediately looks suspicious and unprofessional, leading them to mark it as spam or possibly deleting it without opening it.

Use misleading subject lines

Don't trick your readers into opening your email with a false or misleading subject line. This can damage your reputation and cause your readers to lose trust in your brand. To avoid this, it's important to always use subject lines that accurately reflect the content of your email. Always avoid using clickbait or exaggerated language and focus on creating subject lines that are relevant, engaging, and valuable to your audience.

Neglect the subject line

Don't underestimate the power of a well-written subject line. It's an important part of your email marketing strategy, and it's worth taking the time to craft the perfect one.

Use all lowercase letters

Using all lowercase letters is another way to make your subject line look spammy and unprofessional. Use proper capitalisation and grammar to give your subject line more credibility. For example, compare the following subject lines:

"hurry up and save big on our products!!!!!!!!"

"Hurry up and save big on our products!"

The second subject line looks more professional and credible, thanks to the proper capitalisation and punctuation.

Use slang or slang abbreviations

Avoid using slang or slang abbreviations in your subject lines. It's important to remember that not everyone is familiar with the latest slang or trendy abbreviations, and using them in your subject lines can be confusing for your readers and decrease the effectiveness of your email.

Use too many special characters

Using too many special characters like exclamation points, dollar signs, or ampersands is another way to make your subject line look spammy and unprofessional. Use them sparingly and only when they add value to your message.

Neglect mobile users

Keep in mind that many of your readers will be viewing your subject line on a small mobile screen. Make sure your subject line is easy to read and understand on a mobile device.

The wrap up

These do's and don'ts will help you to create email subject lines that are engaging, relevant, and effective. A great email subject line can enable you to build a stronger connection with your readers and encourage them to take action.

Want to learn more? Reach out to the GRAVITATE team today for a chat.



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