The Art of Persuasion: 13 Conversion Copywriting Techniques

The art of persuasion is ancient, dating back to times when merchants in bustling markets needed to woo potential customers with the right words. In today's digital era, the landscape might have changed, but the core principles remain. Digital marketing orbits around good copywriting. In this blog, we’ll explore 13 tried-and-true techniques to sharpen your conversion copywriting skills.

GRAVITATE Digital | Crafting copy that converts

Crafting copy that converts

At its core, high quality copywriting is the craft of weaving words to persuade, enlighten, and inspire a reader to take intentional action, whether that's a purchase, a subscription, or even just a click. The finesse of copywriting can elevate or shatter a campaign.

1. Craft a Compelling Headline

A headline is your content's front door. This means it should be inviting, arresting, and encapsulating of the intended message, much like a book cover hints at the story within.

Tips and examples

  • For instance, "10 Days to Triple Your Sales" is a headline that promises value and piques curiosity, setting the tone for transformative insights that await the reader.

2. Champion the Active Voice

The choice between active and passive voice can significantly shape the energy and impact of content. Active voice breathes life into a sentence.

Active voice, with its direct and vigorous structure, often makes a message more relatable and assertive. It positions the subject as the main actor in the sentence, ensuring that the action and intent are crystal clear to the reader.

In contrast, passive voice can sometimes muddy the waters, making statements feel distant or less immediate. For instance, compare:

  • "A new strategy was implemented by the team" (passive)


  • "The team implemented a new strategy" (active).

The latter not only sounds more engaging but it also places emphasis on the 'team' as the driving force behind the action.

Moreover, combining the active voice with a direct address, using words like 'you', further personalises the message, creating a conversational tone and fostering a connection with the reader. In essence, mastering the active voice means that content is more likely to resonate, drive the point home, and compel the reader to take action.

Tips and examples:

  • Instead of writing "Our PPC digital marketing services have been used by many", opt for "Many businesses thrive using our PPC digital marketing services."
  • Speak directly to the reader. Use 'you' to make them feel the content is tailored just for them.

3. Wield Power Words with Precision:

Power words, when used judiciously, can be the spark that ignites a reader's interest, turning passive consumption into active engagement. They have the innate ability to resonate deeply, striking chords of emotion, aspiration, and curiosity within the reader. These words, when sprinkled throughout content, can heighten its emotional intensity, making calls to action more compelling and content more memorable.

Tips and examples:

  • Words like "Unlock" suggest a barrier that can be overcome, presenting an opportunity just within reach.
  • "Exclusive" implies a privileged access, making the reader feel special and included in a select group.
  • Meanwhile, "Discover" beckons the reader on a journey of knowledge or adventure.

GRAVITATE Digital | Copy that converts

4. Leverage Social Proof

If others are benefiting, the target audience are likely to want in. Social proof, such as testimonials, reviews, and endorsements, plays a pivotal role in influencing purchase decisions in today's digital landscape.

Humans are innately wired to follow the crowd; a psychological phenomenon termed as 'herd behaviour'. When potential customers see real, positive feedback from peers or influencers they trust, it reduces the perceived risk of trying something new. If others are raving about your product, newcomers will be more inclined to trust it.

This "bandwagon effect" creates a sense of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). Highlighting the positive experiences of satisfied customers, not just showcases the value of a product, but also building a community around it, making newcomers feel they're joining a trusted and validated group.

Tips and examples:

  • "90% of our clients experienced a surge in website traffic with GRAVITATE Digital's PPC services." See what we did here?

5. Employ scarcity to your advantage

Elevate value with limitation. Scarcity is a powerful psychological trigger deeply rooted in the human psyche. Historically, our ancestors often faced limited resources, and their survival depended on quick decisions to secure those scarce assets. This evolutionary trait still lingers in today's digital age, and smart marketers tap into it.

In essence, when something is limited in availability or time, its perceived value increases, pushing consumers to take action lest they miss out on something potentially valuable or unique.

Tips and examples:

  • Announcements like "Offer ends in 48 hours" or "Just 5 seats remaining for our webinar" nudge readers to act swiftly.
Read Time

6. Highlight benefits, not just features

Instead of merely listing product features, delve into the benefits they offer. While features describe the specifics of a product or service, benefits speak to the value and impact it can have on a user's life.

For instance, declaring that a software is "fast" is informative, but it becomes compelling when you say it "cuts your task time in half, granting you more family moments."

The latter paints a vivid picture of the product's direct impact on the user's life, turning a technical detail into a tangible, personal advantage.

By emphasising benefits, you can tap into the emotional and aspirational needs of an audience, creating a stronger, more memorable connection.

Tips and examples:

  • Don't just say your software is "fast". Explain that it "cuts your task time in half, granting you more family moments."

GRAVITATE Digital | Copy that converts - Narrate with storytelling

7. Narrate with storytelling

Share success stories or challenges. Stories have been at the heart of human communication since time immemorial. They evoke emotions, create connections, and are far more memorable than mere facts or figures.

In the context of marketing, storytelling offers a compelling way to illustrate the value and impact of products or services. Instead of just presenting data or listing features, narrate a journey, painting a vivid picture of transformation.

Tips and examples:

  • "When Jane first approached GRAVITATE Digital, her website was a ghost town. Now, it's a bustling digital metropolis." Instead of merely stating that GRAVITATE Digital improved her website traffic, the story shares a transformation from "a ghost town" to "a bustling digital metropolis."

This narrative approach does more than just convey results. It presents a relatable journey, allowing potential clients to envision themselves undergoing a similar transformative experience.

By embedding a marketing message within a story, you capture the imagination of an audience, making the impact of a product or service come alive in a way that's both tangible and emotionally resonant.

8. Utilise Strategic Formatting

In the digital age, where attention spans are dwindling and content is abundant, the presentation is just as critical as the message itself. Dense, unbroken blocks of text can intimidate and deter readers, even if the content is top-notch.

By employing strategic formatting, you're not just organising content; you're enhancing its digestibility and appeal.

Tips and examples:

  • Sub-headings act as signposts, guiding readers through content and allowing them to skim for the most relevant sections.
  • Bullet points or numbered lists break down complex points into bite-sized, easily digestible chunks, perfect for readers who want quick takeaways.
  • Adequate white space, meanwhile, gives content room to breathe, reducing strain on the eyes and ensuring a page looks clean and uncluttered.

9. Address Objections

‍Every consumer, before making a purchase or commitment, naturally has hesitations, pain points or objections. These are barriers to conversion, and as a marketer, it's your role to identify and address these roadblocks proactively.

Anticipating common concerns and addressing them in copy can eliminate the doubts that could stop a potential sale in its tracks. In essence, preemptively addressing objections can smooth the decision-making journey for the customer, fostering trust and pushing them closer to that all-important 'buy' button.

Tips and examples:

  • For example, in the e-commerce realm, issues of trust around payment are paramount. Highlighting secure payment options assures customers that their financial details are safe.
  • Offering money-back guarantees further builds this trust, signaling confidence in the product and reducing the perceived risk for the consumer.

10. Incorporate a transparent Call-to-Action (CTA)

After delivering value, guide your readers. It's essential that a CTA is clear and transparent to avoid any confusion. Moreover, ambiguity might deter potential leads. A compelling CTA is a mix of vibrant visuals, actionable directives, and persuasive language. It should stand out on the page and resonate with the value proposition you've laid out.

Tips and examples:

  • "Ready to amplify your reach?
  • Dive into GRAVITATE Digital's PPC services today." ‍

GRAVITATE Digital | Copy that converts | Prioritise A/B Testing

11. Prioritise A/B testing

Unsure which headline grabs more attention? Test both. In the dynamic world of digital marketing, assumptions can be costly. A/B testing, also known as split testing, provides a methodical way to determine what truly engages an audience.

Instead of betting on a single headline or CTA, you can test multiple variations to see which one performs better. This iterative process means that you are communicating in a way that resonates deeply with a target audience.

Tips and examples:

  • For instance, you might have two compelling headlines and can't decide which will captivate your audience more. By using A/B testing, you present both options to different segments of your audience and measure the results.

The insights gained from such tests are invaluable, allowing you to refine your content strategy, make informed decisions, and, most importantly, increase conversions.

12. Simple and Concise

Readers often skim and attention spans are limited, so the value proposition messaging should shine through immediately. Avoid jargon and complex sentences. This doesn't mean oversimplifying but rather communicating effectively. Unnecessarily complicated language or industry-specific terms can alienate potential customers, leading them to seek clarity elsewhere.

GRAVITATE Digital | Crafting copy that converts

13. Harness the Might of Psychology

Dive deeper than surface tactics. Understand the basic psychological triggers like social proof, commitment, reciprocity, FOMO, and the 'bandwagon effect' to craft a message that truly resonates. Offer something of value, and readers may feel the urge to return the favour, like signing up or making a purchase.

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Always tailor copy with the reader at its heart, and perpetual optimisation as its spirit. Mastering conversion copywriting is an ongoing journey, filled with testing, tweaking, and learning.

By employing these proven techniques and keeping the reader's perspective at the forefront, you’re on your way to crafting copy that converts - content that not only captures attention but also prompts action and establishes a formidable brand voice.

Want to learn more? Reach out to the GRAVITATE team today for a chat.



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What is the significance of a compelling headline in digital marketing copywriting?

What are "power words" and how can they benefit my copy?
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What's the difference between features and benefits in copywriting?
Copywriting is the craft of weaving words to persuade, enlighten, and inspire a reader to take intentional action