How to Create the Perfect Youtube Video Description Template for Maximum Visibility and Engagement

This YouTube video description article provides tips for you as a content creator to optimise your YouTube videos for maximum visibility and engagement, by creating an effective YouTube video description template.

Youtube Video Description Improvements

As a content creator, it's important to optimise your Youtube videos for maximum visibility and engagement. One of the best ways to do this is to prepare a well-written and informative Youtube description template. In this blog, we'll explore the most important components of a Youtube description for SEO purposes and provide tips on how to create an effective template to use for your videos.

What to include in your YouTube video

1. YouTube Video Title

The title of your video should be clear and concise, and should accurately reflect to the viewer what the content of the video covers. Consider including keywords in the title to make it easier for viewers to find the video.

2. YouTube Video Description

The description is where you can provide more information about the video and give context to your viewers. It is a good idea to include a brief summary of the video's content, and consider including relevant links or resources for your viewers. This is another place to include relevant keywords for SEO purposes.

3. YouTube Video Tags:

Adding relevant tags to your video can help it show up in more search results. Use a mix of niche-specific and general tags to increase the chances of your video being found.

4. YouTube Video Playlist

If you have a series of videos that are related to each other, consider creating a playlist and including links to the other videos in the description. This will encourage viewers to watch more of your content. It’s also a good practice to make a verbal mention of related videos at the end of your script to encourage viewers to watch the next video in the playlist. 

5. Call to Action (CTA)

Use your Youtube description to encourage viewers to take a specific action, such as:

  • Subscribing to the channel
  • Liking or disliking the video - ensure the viewer understands that both actions help the channel
  • Commenting on the video - sharing their feedback
  • Sharing the video with their friends
Jarred Diehm
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Tips for creating an effective Youtube description template

1. Keep it Concise

A Youtube description shouldn't be too long, otherwise most viewers won't read through the entire paragraph. Write a few clear, short sentences or bullet points that convey the most important points raised in your video.

2. Use Formatting

Use formatting techniques like bold and italic fonts, bullet points and clearly defined paragraphs to make your description visually appealing and easier to read.

3. Include Keywords

Incorporating your niche-relevant keywords into your description will greatly help your video show up in more search results. There are a variety of keyword research tools available that can help you identify the most relevant and popular keywords for your content.

4. Link to Relevant Resources

If you've mentioned any resources or links in your video, be sure to include those in the description as well. This will give your viewers more information to explore and allow your viewers to trust that you have done your research and are a reliable source. Another bonus, this will also help improve your SEO ranking.

5. Use Relevant Hashtags

Adding niche-relevant hashtags to your description can help your video show up in more search results and make it more discoverable to an audience that may not have seen your videos in the past.

6. Include Timestamps

If your video covers a lot of information or has multiple sections, including timestamps in your description allows viewers to easily navigate through the video to the section they're most interested in.

7. Use Emojis

Emojis can help to make your description more visually appealing and can also help to convey your personal tone or theme of your channel. Just be sure to use them sparingly and only if they're relevant to your content as too many emojis can saturate the description and look displeasing to the viewer.

8. Optimise for Mobile

Most Youtube viewers are accessing the platform on their phones, therefore it's important to optimise your description for mobile devices. This means keeping the description clear and concise, making it easy to read on a smaller screen.

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9. Monitor and Update

After you've published your video, be sure to track the performance of your video and make updates to the description as needed. This can include adding new keywords, updating any broken links or changing the call to action to see if it improves the engagement of your video and improves viewer retention.

10. Include Links to Website or Social Media

If you have a website or social media accounts related to your content, be sure to include links to them in your description. This can create a sense of community. You can leverage this to help drive traffic to your channel from other online platforms and build your overall online presence.

11. Test Different CTA’s

Try using different call to actions in your description and see which ones perform the best. Youtube relevant CTA’s include asking viewers to:

  • Like the video
  • Leave a comments
  • Share the video with their friends.

12. Translate Description

If you have a global audience, consider translating your description into different languages to reach a wider audience. This can help to improve the accessibility of your content and increase global engagement.

13. Use a Consistent Tone

Be sure to use a consistent tone throughout your description. Examples of some suitable tones of voice might be:

  • Professional
  • Witty
  • Charismatic.

This will help to establish your brand voice and create a cohesive experience for your viewers.

14. Include Promotional Offers or Discounts

If you have any promotional offers or discounts available, in addition to mentioning them in the video, include them in your description. This can help to drive sales or conversions and provide an incentive for viewers to engage with your content. Just make sure the descriptions are kept up to date.

15. Mention Any Collaborations or Partnerships

If you've worked with any other content creators or brands on your video, be sure to mention them in your description, including any contact information or links to their social media account(s). This can help increase the visibility of your video and build your relationships in the industry.

16. Use A/B Testing

Consider using A/B testing to see which elements of your description perform the best. This can include testing different titles, CTA’s, or formatting styles to see which ones drive the most engagement.

17. Optimise for SEO

Use SEO best practices in your description to improve the chances of your video showing up in search results. This can include using relevant keywords, using header tags, and including meta descriptions.

In addition to creating compelling content that makes your channel stand out, a well-written Youtube description template can help improve the visibility and engagement of your videos. By including the key components and following the tips outlined in this blog, you can create an effective description template that will help your videos reach a wider audience.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a YouTube video description?

How important is the YouTube video description for SEO?
What are the best practices for writing a YouTube video description?
How long should a YouTube video description be?
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As a content creator, it's important to optimise your Youtube videos for maximum visibility and engagement